Cafe World promotional survey for free Cafe Cash
If you've been waiting for some free Cafe Cash and haven't checked the Earn Café Cash tab of Cafe World recently, now's the time to log in. Right now, clicking on that tab should lead players to three new promo surveys, but there's a catch -- only two of the three will be earning you any premium game currency.
Cafe World Spheres survey
The one disguised as "Answer the question: In what year were you born?" is actually a public service announcement from, a famous anti-smoking campaign! We're not sure why they wanted to deceive players by pretending their survey is something else. But at least they were honest about not choosing to advertise their survey as giving out any Cafe Cash. (Edit: Even though this gives out Cafe Cash, it doesn't say it will. But I got 3 Cafe Cash when I was done, and another person who commented on this post received 4. We're not sure about why there's a discrepancy. Either one of us can't count or the survey has a way to dole out the freebies depending on one's answers.)
Cafe World Tom's of Maine free Cafe Cash
For the ones here to deliver the goods, we've got Tom's of Maine, an all-natural personal care products company that's offering 3 Cafe Cash for clicking through their poll and watching their promo video.
Cafe World Toyota free Cafe Cash
And Toyota is offering 2 Cafe Cash for some casual questions about how you got your first car, and then they want to know which of their three clips about car ownership you liked the most.
Remember, as always, there's no obligation to do anything but answer the poll questions in order to get your free monies. You don't have to 'like' a page or even respond to the questions truthfully. But it's best to be honest since companies do desire this data, and it certainly wouldn't hurt you to answer.
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