Thứ Năm, 20 tháng 10, 2011

Killzone 3 - And how high it can fall

Ok let me start off by saying that this is in no way a fanboy or anti fanboy blog post, I have a PS3 and am a big fan of Killzone 2, this will be talking mostly about the online component of the game. Now with that out of the way here's the main point, and I hope I'm wrong, Killzone 3 is going to fall and hit the ground hard. Hear me out on why this could be a real possibility.

So I was part of the KZ3 beta, I remember how exciting it was really was estatic about it, within 2-3 games though the dream started cracking. KZ3 really seemed to have changed the game from KZ2, I'm sure many of you reading this also read the articles from the time on 'How Killzone 3 has fixed the controlls' and was being hyped as the CoD killer ect unfortunately this all was very wrong

Keeping with the controls, yes they are more 'responsive' yes you can snap to a target and cleanly take them out and yes you can take out an enemy with only a few bullets. These things were all being so well recieved by the readers of the articles (and i would have believed it had i not been in the beta) but with all these adjustments there lay a big problem its becoming CoD-ish and thats a problem. CoD is already out, already doing better than Killzone and this direction is what is going to kill Killzone

Let me paint the scene of multiplaer, Killzone 2 - a heavy feeling robust class based gunplay, you have to focus and make sure you take shots wisly, very satisfing. CoD (Franchise) - A light and fast paced very customisable twitcher based gameplay - Quick thrills and satisfying. So 2 different multiplayers some may argue that something bridging them would be good, unfortunately Killzone 3 is not that. Judging by the response on the forums for the beta players and personal experiance Killzone 3 will disapoint, the old veterans of KZ2 generally did not like this new twitchy direction of a case of see first kill first and the lowing of health and reduction of recoil with aim assist makes this an open fire bam your dead game which isint what the old fans played KZ2 for. So bad for them but maybe GG were aiming for the CoD market, again not going well, KZ3 does what CoD does but not as well, after a little while I believe they'll just go back to it, its nothing new to them and not as good at doing it as there CoD games, so whos left ? A niche few who see something in it, Hardcore KZ fanboys/PS3 fanboys

I write this so hoping I'm wrong, but the amount of times I'm seeing 'oh just wait till KZ3 comes out' or 'the PS3 gamers will all buy Killzone instead of the next CoD' and its just making me cringe as if what I say does happen then the amount of over hype the game is getting will finish it some will obviously buy for the story and that may still be amazing but the multiplayer may be a huge letdown, maybe people will adjust maybe all the technical issues with CoD games will convert people over to killzone. I don't know. If you played the beta and really enjoy it all the more power to you, enjoy it. I'll be eagerly awaiting the oh so reliable reviews on the game and will decide to get it on the week of launch

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