Thứ Tư, 15 tháng 2, 2012

FrontierVille on Facebook: 'FarmVille meets Oregon Trail' [video]

Check out the trailer for Zynga's FrontierVille.

Click here to learn more about this new wild west themed Facebook game.

FrontierVille Cheats & Tips: Four easy ways to get ahead

frontierville on facebook
Zynga's wild west game FrontierVille launches on Facebook today, and we asked Brian Reynolds, Zynga's chief game designer to give us a few tips on how to get a leg up on turning your wilderness property into a bustling frontier town.

1. "Every time you go and visit a neighbor you can get a little bit of energy back. The more energy you have, the more things you can do. That kind of combines with getting more reputation and then getting more energy."

2. "The other things that happens: Little stories and goals appear now and then, and make sure you take a look at those, because those have good bonuses at the end."

3. When you hire friends with a higher reputation, you get more money.

4. "Eventually, you might be able to figure out where the snakes come from. If you look under a skull, there's often a snake. The fun thing about a snake is that you get a whole bunch of bonuses for getting rid of a snake. So it can actually be really good to -- if you want to get a lot of stuff -- go looking for snakes."

Check out the rest of our FrontierVille Cheats & Tips right here.

Viximo taking social games beyond Facebook and Myspace

"Beyond Facebook?" I can almost hear millions (thousands? hundreds? tens?) of our readers crying out. "There are social networks besides Facebook?" Indeed there are, and I'm not just talking about MySpace, either. There are dozens of smaller social networks out there eager for games, just as there are dozens of social game developers looking to diversify away from Facebook's iron grip.

The problem: Most of these social game developers probably don't want to go through the trouble of customizing their games for dozens of different social networks, each with their own technical, submission and payment guidelines. This is where three-year-old Viximo comes in. Today, they announced the launch of a unified platform that lets developers submit a game once, to Viximo, to be deployed to dozens of social networks Viximo has partnered with, including, and

While none of these partner networks rival the size or exposure of a Facebook or MySpace, together they represent tens of millions of potential new players for any given game. And anything that makes social gaming less synonymous with the world's largest (but not only!) social network is fine by us.

FrontierVille: Everything you need to know

Prepare to embark on a brand new adventure with FrontierVille on Facebook. Zynga's new wild west themed game has all of us aspiring pioneers headed towards the Pacific to start our very own frontier towns. You'll work the land, start a family, build cottages, decorate your town, and help your neighbors endure the hardships of the west. Before you know it you'll have conquered the wilderness and established a first-rate town out in the wild west.

However, getting to that point won't be easy, there's a ton of features packed into FrontierVille. Fortunately, we have everything you need to know about FrontierVille to have your town flourishing in no time.
frontierville create a character
Welcome to the West
Before starting a new life out on the frontier, you'll have to create a character. The straightforward system lets you recreate your FarmVille player with all the same hair styles, smiles, and eyes. In addition, FrontierVille offers a bunch of western themed features and clothing to make your character fit the period. I decided to go traditional western with a large wild-man mustache and cowboy attire. My character is certainly not happy, he knows there are hard times ahead before he can relax in our bustling frontier town. Perhaps I'll change his mouth to a smile later on.

Energy and Goals
In FrontierVille you need energy to do everything. Most actions require one energy. However, like in Treasure Isle, FrontierVille gives you a very limited amount of energy. At the beginning, the scarcity of energy preventing you from playing the new game may frustrate you. But if you used wisely, following our tips, you'll be able to maintain a healthy amount of energy throughout the first few levels.
frontiervill meals
Energy can be replenished by purchasing meals at the market or by waiting. One energy is replenished every five three minutes. In addition, your entire meter is refilled every time you level up. As a result, to be most efficient, your energy is best used contributing to a level up. At the beginning of the game, the best way to level up is by completing goals. Completing these tasks will reward you with extra experience improving your chances of leveling up and regaining your energy.
frontierville goal
Beginner Tip: Only use your precious energy to complete goals allowing you to level up faster.
frontierville level up     frontierville

For example, don't feed your sheep until you receive a goal telling you to. Early goals include tasks such as clearing trees and grass or buying a cottage and giving it a few whacks. Nonetheless, completing goals will help you level up faster and teach you the basics of the game.
frontierville goodies
Working and Resourcesfrontierville wood
Everything you do in FrontierVille will give you food, wood, experience, coins and sometimes even some energy or a collectors item. Whether it's cutting trees, clobbering snakes, feeding chicks or whacking your unfinished cabin, resources will pop out for you to gather up.

Experience - You need experience to level up. Leveling up unlocks new items in the market and increases your total amount of energy. Experience can be gained from most forms of work.

Coins - To buy anything you're going to need coins. Coins can be found in many forms of work such as harvesting crops and feeding animals. The store is full of great stuff and we suggest browsing through the inventory of decorations, animals, trees, crops and buildings.

Wood - Necessary to build structures, wood is a precious commodity. You'll gain wood by chopping down trees. It's good to have a sizable supply. Just to build a cabin you'll need 46 logs!

Food - Gained from harvesting crops and feeding animals, food will allow you to buy meals, replenishing your energy.
frontierville farming
Farming and Ranching
There's a lot of work to be done on your land claim. Once you've cleared a little of the brush, you can begin farming. Farming works a little differently than FarmVille so be careful. To plant seeds, go to the market and select the crop you wish to buy. Plowing and planting are done in one move that doesn't require energy. Harvesting on the other hand, does require energy.
frontierville feeding
Beginner TIp: Don't plant more crops than your energy meter will allow you to harvest. You wouldn't want your crops to wither.

Fruit trees from the market are also valuable in FrontierVille, they can be harvested for food over and over, serving as a good source of energy.

Animals too can offer food and coins when harvested. Plus, what western homestead is complete a variety of livestock?

Tame the Wild West
frontierville snakeSooner or later, malicious critters are going to make their way to your homestead. These animals are going to hinder your frontier town unless you clobber them and scare them away. For example, doing work in proximity to a snake will require more energy than usual, so make sure to get rid of them as fast as possible.

Neighbors on the Frontier
Starting a frontier town is a daunting task, luckily your neighbors will be able to help you. When visiting a neighbor, you'll be able to help them work the land. Similar to FarmVille's crop fertilizing system, you will be able to assist your neighbor with five tasks. It doesn't cost energy and you still gain resources, so be sure to help your neighbors every day. In addition, helping out will add to your reputation. The higher reputation is as a good helper, the more you'll be able to help your friends.

Like leveling up, gaining neighbors will also unlock more options for your town. New buildings such as the General Store require multiple neighbors.

Settle Down
The world of FrontierVille can be a lonely one, but fortunately once completing your cabin you'll be able to get married and have children to aid in the daily toils of life in the old west.

Collections are also a feature of FrontierVille, collecting all five in a set will net you some serious coins and experience. Collectors item's can sometimes be found in the mail and by working the land.

Posted on sign posts around your land claim are missions that seem to be coming soon. While details are still sparse on these, it seems they will be unique ways to earn more goods. In addition there are tons of goods to be bought at the market. Buy livestock, buildings and decorate your frontier town until no passerby could possibly resist spending a night in your western village.

So, now that you've learned about what to expect from the FrontierVille, it's time for you to make your claim and build a cabin out on the prairie. A new life awaits you out in the wild west, get started on your FrontierVille adventure now.

Click to play FrontierVille>

Check out the rest of our FrontierVille Cheats & Tips right here.

What is your favorite part about FrontierVille?

Quote of the Moment: Branching Out

"Once you had your first perfect first-person-shooter mechanic, it became apparent that you could apply it to different time periods in history, to science fiction themes, to fantasy themes, and so on. That's the same thing that's going on here. If you compare farming to first-person shooters, you can now take farming and add social elements and decorating elements and multi-player elements. A bit of genre hybridization is going on and the games are getting a bit broader as that happens."

-Metaplace founder Raph Koster explains to Gamasutra how casual and social gaming is branching out through games based around everything from chocolate to wine-making.

Thứ Bảy, 11 tháng 2, 2012

FarmVille Piglet disabled due to technical difficulties

Tonight, in an announcement on the Zynga Forums, Lexilicious has announced that the baby piglet feature is currently disabled while technical issues are resolved. Although currently disabled, some farmers were able to take advantage of the baby piglet feature before it was turned off.
FarmVille says Congratulation on your pig giving birth
FarmVille Piglet on FarmHere is an explanation of how the feature works:

A farmer will come across an expectant pig on their farm and be prompted to return the pregnant pig to their owner (it appears most owners are currently inactive FarmVille players). The farmer then posts to the owner's wall asking them to claim the pig.

Once the owner of the pig claims them, they place on their farm and return 24 hours later for the birth of the piglets.

When the piglets are born, the owner is then given the opportunity to share with neighbors via the neighbor selection process, similar to gift sending. There is no public post to the wall, so the owner will need to select the individuals they wish to give the piglets to and the recipient will need to accept via gift request page.

This article originally appeared on FarmVille Freak.

Pet Society reels in Fizzyfish the Soda Pop Fish

A new fish just entered the Pet Society pond. The Fizzyfish is the freshest fish around, fo shizzle ma nizzles. I like how the cap looks like a pair of juicy red lips. How to catch this Fizzyfish? Try the bottle of Coca-Cola sold in the vending machines. You can either buy one of these yourself for 900 coins, or if you see it at a friend's house, just pay 50 coins for a drink.

While I think the Fizzyfish is cool, I feel mixed about this vending machine. Earlier this year, big soda companies like PepsiCo have vowed to remove full-calorie sodas from machines in schools by 2012. However, diet sodas will continue to be sold to students.

I used to be a Diet Coke addict for years. I'd drink one every day during lunch. If I didn't have one, I'd feel like my whole afternoon was shot.

Drinking a Diet Coke for me was almost a sensual experience. I loved wrapping my hand around an ice-cold can. I loved opening the can and hearing it pop. I loved that first sip, feeling the fizz on my tongue and tasting the dark brown Splenda-laced liquid. If the soda was served in a glass at a restaurant, I liked the look of it: dark, bubbly, with a tower of glistening ice cubes. Pet Society Anonymous Goodbye Diet CokeI ignored the dentists' warnings that carbonated drinks disintegrate your teeth. I ignored the doctors who said that soda leads to osteoporosis. (Osteoporosis is the bone disease that causes older people to shrink and stoop.)

I reasoned that Diet Coke wasn't so bad, because it had zero calories. I reasoned that because it makes you feel full, it keeps you from overeating and becoming obese, ignoring the studies that showed that diet sodas may actually stimulate appetite.

Then, one night, I overdosed on Diet Coke. I was at work late, and downed three cans in an hour. I also ate three Hershey bars, which, by the last couple of bites, looked and tasted like they were made out of cat poo.

After that ugly night, I woke up and vowed to cleanse my body. This is the only body I'm gonna have. Treat it like a temple. I decided to stop drinking Diet Coke once and for all.

It was a pretty tough battle for the first few days. During lunch, I missed that can of Diet Coke, and I missed all those cold and bubbly sensations. But after I got over the hump, it got easier and easier to say no to Diet Coke.

I haven't had Diet Coke, or any other soda, in nine months. I've been drinking a lot of water instead. Good old H2O. It's plentiful, it's free, and it's really good for you.

In April or May, I was at a local corner shop, and for old times' sake, I bought a can of Diet Coke. It was a warm, sunny day and I relished that feeling of the cold can in my hands again. But after I opened it, I couldn't drink more than a few sips. Why? It tasted awful, like soap water. Perhaps there was something wrong with that can. I had a friend take a sip. He shrugged and said that's how it usually tastes. I was stumped. I couldn't believe I had been addicted to that bizarre soap water for years.

It's funny how addictions are. When you're addicted to something, you think you can't live without it. You think that it's good for you, even when the object of your addiction treats you badly. It's like having a crush on a guy who doesn't love you back. Your line of reasoning becomes less and less logical and more and more desperate. Then after a while, after you've managed to come to your senses and step away from the addiction, you wonder what it was about it that you really liked.

This article originally appeared on Pet Society Anonymous.